Sunday, May 8, 2011


What is the first thing that most people learn about a couple of the really big purchases we make in life, houses usually gain value over time and a new car depreciates the second you write the check.

That is why as students, future alumni and parents you have a vested interest in the institution that members of your family decide to attend. As current students, alumni and parents the value of a Jacksonville University  degree increases with each outstanding freshmen class we bring in and with each talented class we graduate. The more successful our alumni are in their professionals lives the more value individuals place on a JU degree.

So when you are at church, the grocery store, high school athletic event or on a plane traveling take every opportunity to promote that "Be Orange" value you have witnessed first hand. There is no better ambassador for JU  then one of our 4500 current students or one of our over 20,000 living alumni. Talk about your own personal experience with JU and what specific value added component was important to you.

Just remember alumni and parents. The value of that degree increases every time we bring another student to our campus and each time a student walks across the stage at graduation.  We need more of our current students, parents and alumni to sing the praises of the JU experience every opportunity they have.

So the next time you encourage a student to check out Wartburg or tell someone about your experience just know that your efforts are being rewarded. That "cha ching" you are hearing is the sound of either your JU degree or that of your childs increasing.

Thank you in advance for your help in increasing the value of Jacksonville University through you positive words!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Anyone who has gone through the college selection process will tell you that the best way to make that final decision is to spend time visiting the campus of your choice. There is no better way to determine if a specific campus is the right place for you than to spend some time there getting to know the place.

Whether you are a high school freshmen or soon to be senior summer is the right time to explore. Camps are a great way to get to know your potential college choice up close and personal. There are various summer camp opportunities at many institutions that range from sport camps, to academic camps, to music camps!

There are many reasons why spending several days of your summer on a college campus can be rewarding. First, you are on your own for a few days and what a great chance for you to spread your wings a little bit. Plus you will get to wake yourself up in the morning without mom, check out the cafeteria food and see how this whole roommate thing works out.

Many colleges, including Wartburg offer summer camps where if you end up attending that school you even gain academic credit for the course. Many years ago I attended Summer Honors at my undergraduate institution and had a wonderful time. I learned what taking a college class would be like, made friends that I still have to this day and because of that experience attended college at that institution.

Make the most of your summer vacation and enroll in a summer camp with an activity or topic that is of interest to you. Use this experience as the foundation of how you will select the institution where you will complete your undergradute degree.

Remember that Wartburg College offers a number of academic, athletic and summer camps each year. For more information please visit

Have a great summer and check out what Be Orange is all about !